Remote-controlled compact valves
? High fl ow due to angled seat design
? Equipped with piston-type operators (50 or 63 mm dia.)
? Anti-waterhammer design (fl uid entry under the disc)
? Operator rotatable through 360°
? The valves satisfy Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC article 3.3
Signaling box or compact signaling unit
? Stroke limiter for opening
? Manual safety device遙控緊湊型閥門?由于傾斜的座椅設計,流量大?配備活塞式操作器(直徑50或63毫米)?防水錘設計(流體進入盤下)?操作員可以旋轉360°?閥門符合壓力設備指令97/23 / EC3.3條信令盒或緊湊型信令單元?打開行程限制器?手動安全裝置?50 mm操作員的光學位置指示器,NC功能?用于NAMUR墊片安裝指揮器的轉接板(僅限63 mm操作員)?其他管道連接可根據要求提供
? Optical position indicator on 50 mm operator, NC function
? Adapter plate for NAMUR pad mounting pilot (63 mm operator only)
? Other pipe connections are available on request
地 址:上海市嘉定區嘉涌路99弄