- LED power supply I, green LED
output max. 30 V AC/40 V DC, 2 A
供電 Redundancy available.
°C (-40 ... 158 °F)
LED Fault (fault indication), green LED
電磁兼容性 NE 21:2012
For further information
電 話:O21-3952 983O轉8OO9
手 機;189 17O7 4297
傳 真:O21-3952983O-8OO8
企業QQ;288 O626 O83
see system description.
防護等級 IEC 60529:2001
The supply for the m
volt-free fault indication
diode on the Termination
Board must be considered
紋波 ≤ 10 % 保險絲類型 4 A
drop across the series
功耗 ≤ 500 mW , without modules
地 址:上海市嘉定區嘉涌路99弄