所以該閥可用于控制腐蝕性介質,如酸液和堿液等。閥體材質為 PVC 或 PVDF。
電磁線圈采用耐化學腐蝕的環氧樹脂封裝。所有 DC 式都帶“kick and drop”電子線路,用以降功耗。
可選的電氣反饋功能能夠地檢測開關位置。與 DIN EN 17301-803 A 型電纜插頭配套,該閥的安全防護等級為 IP65。
直動式介質隔離電磁閥,較大通徑 DN 25
Direct acting and separated medium ? Integrated reduction of power
? With service friendly manual override ? Normally closed (NC) and normally open function
? KTW and W270 certi? ed for drinking water
Response times [ms] Opening Closing
Measured at valve outlet at 6 bar and +20 oC. Pressure relief 0 90 % Pressure relief 100 to 10 %
Flow rate: Kv value water [m3/h] Measured at +20 oC, 1 bar pressure at valve inlet and free outlet.
Pressure values [bar] Measured as overpressure to the atmospheric pressure
DC 式節能節電
For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data,
images and notes for proper use according to the data sheet.
? Direct acting and separated medium ? Integrated reduction of power ? With service friendly manual override
? Normally closed (NC) and normally open function ? KTW and W270 certi? ed for drinking water
The direct-acting valve is delivered with circuit function, normally closed. The solenoid actuator is separated from the medium by a double PTFE seal with a small ventilated space.The valve is used for shuto? , dosing, ? lling and ventilating medium where low pressures are applicable; also suitable for use in technical vacuum.
Circuit function A (CFA)
2/2 way direct-acting solenoid valve, normally closed
Circuit function B (CFB)
2/2 way direct-acting solenoid valve, normally open
所以該閥可用于控制腐蝕性介質,如酸液和堿液等。閥體材質為 PVC 或 PVDF。
電磁線圈采用耐化學腐蝕的環氧樹脂封裝。所有 DC 式都帶“kick and drop”電子線路,用以降功耗。
可選的電氣反饋功能能夠地檢測開關位置。與 DIN EN 17301-803 A 型電纜插頭配套,該閥的安全防護等級為 IP65。
直動式介質隔離電磁閥,較大通徑 DN 25
Technical data Body material Brass Seal material EPDM Medium
Neutral liquids e.g drinking water or neutral gases e.g compressed air Medium temperature -30…+ 80 °C
Ambient temperature -30…+70 oC Viscosity 100…21 mm2/s Operating voltages 24 V UC1 (36 V UC on request) 110 V UC 230 V UC Voltage tolerance ±30 % Cycling rate Max. 6/min with UC Duty cycle ED 100 % Electrical connection Cable plug (supplied as standard) Protection class IP65 with cable plug Coil insulation class H Installation As required, preferably with actuator upright Max. system pressure in ? ow direction 8 bar (switching pressure max. 3 bar)
? Direct acting and separated medium ? Integrated reduction of power
? With service friendly manual override ? Normally closed (NC) and normally open function
? KTW and W270 certi? ed for drinking water
Response times [ms] Opening Closing
Measured at valve outlet at 6 bar and +20 oC. Pressure relief 0 90 % Pressure relief 100 to 10 %
Flow rate: Kv value water [m3/h] Measured at +20 oC, 1 bar pressure at valve inlet and free outlet.
Pressure values [bar] Measured as overpressure to the atmospheric pressure
地 址:上海市嘉定區嘉涌路99弄