彈簧力小-較大[N] 4 - 6 6 - 9 7 - 13 24 - 37 28 - 62
較大行程[mm]2525 25 25 25活塞- ?
[mm] 25伸出運動的活塞力[N] 25彈簧力小-較大[N] 28 - 62較大行程[mm] 25
電 話:021-39529830轉8009
手 機;18917074297
活塞- ? [mm] 8 10 12 16 20伸出運動的活塞力[N]26 40 58 90 136
detachable replacement filter artridge and an
Airfiltration and dehumidification in fluidsystems
12 1322501000 R404059486
ndhigh dirt holding capacity across a broad pressure differential range
15 R404052262 R402001401
20 R404062718 R404051563
25 1322502000 1323202000
30 R404050434 R404052299
35 R404009112 R402001229
40 R404050929 R404062567
50 1322505000 1323205000
80 1322508000 1323208000
10 1322510000 1323210000
12 1322512000 1323212000
16 1322516000 1323216000
Special highly efficilFiltrationparticles
nternal pleated filterelementmadeof
ilter paper P or microglassH10XLConnection possibility for a clogging
地 址:上海市嘉定區嘉涌路99弄