Pulse interval ≥ 33 ms (level 0)
同步頻率 普通工作模式 ≤ 30 Hz
重模式 ≤ 33 Hz / n , n = number of sensors , n ≤ 10
電 話:021-39529830轉8009
手 機;18917074297
(factory setting: n = 5 )
isrequiredThese sensors operate primarily
atcloserangefeature optimum switching accuracy, and can reliably detect even
125827 NCB40-FP-A2-C-P1-V1
127202 NCB50-FP-A2-C-P1-V1
127200 NCB50-FP-A2-C-P3-V1
132412 NCB50-FP-E2-C-P1-V1
187584 NCB50-FP-E2-C-P3-V1
verysmall objects. The sensors wi
thbackground suppression sense only a specific area in front
ofthe sensor. The sensor ignor
esany objects that are outside of this area. Sensors with backgroun
工作電壓 10 ... 30 V DC , ripple 10 %SS
空載電流 ≤ 50 mA 作電流 < 12 mA 脈沖長度 0.5 ... 300 ms (level 1)
地 址:上海市嘉定區嘉涌路99弄